Golden Time

Akin to the sacred first rays of sunshine piercing the darkness of early morning. Bathing the stillness with their golden rays. Golden time is sacred. It’s the space between the doing and the done.

Golden time is the powerful moment of planning for success. No longer approaching goals as pretty little accidents we hope will befall us.

What is Golden Time?

Golden Time refers to the time you schedule every week to level up. I usually take mine early every Monday.

Success happens in the doing of things. I learned months ago after burning out, that "perfect is the enemy of done". To get things done, I should enlist more help from my team.

Golden time allows me to outline what I want to get done. To create the framework for delegating to my team. It gives me the capacity to focus my efforts on the highest leverage activities for my business and my life.

Here’s how I run my Golden Time each week:

Step 1: Set a clock for 25 minutes

During this time interval, I sit without distraction. Phone on silent. a single tab open to a word document or sometimes I prefer a blank sheet of paper and pen. Use whichever suits your fancy.

Step 2: Put on some chill music without lyrics.

Lyrics are great but they'll influence your structures. Allow yourself to flow.

Step 3: Spend 5-10 minutes writing down a list of all the things you want to get done.

Think: projects, emails, courses, research, shopping, paying bills, meetings. There are no wrong answers here. You think it, get it down on paper. Don’t worry about getting it right, write it down.

Step 4: Once you get everything down on paper, start to categorize the items them into themes.

Step 5: Break the themed work down into project components. Next Color Code and Offload (<—Check out my recent blog post for clarity on this life changing delegation method).

Step 6: Schedule time for next week.

Running this process for the last 3 months I’ve got massive clarity of action and I can see my business growing.

What are your thoughts?

I’d love to hear from you and learn how you stay organized and productive.

As ever, feel free to share this with anyone who would benefit.

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Color Code to Offload